Monitoring and evaluation
- We register around 9,000 invasive procedures on cervix per year.
- 66% of invasive procedures are diagnostic (44% are biopsies and excisions and 22% abrasions).
- 18% are therapeutic procedures, predominantly LLETZ (14%), while proportion of cold knife conisations is decreasing in recent years (from 8% in 2014 to less than 3% in recent years).
- 16% are hysterectomies.
- Among diagnostic procedures, 17% are diagnosed with HSIL+, while this is the case with 62% of therapeutic procedures.
- Around 90% of women with HSIL+ biopsy have another invasive procedure (mainly therapeutic) preformed in one year period. HSIL+ is detected in almost 90% of follow-up therapeutic procedures.
Table: Invasive procedures by procedure type
Table: Diagnosis of invasive procedures by procedure group in year 2021
Jerman T, Ivanuš U, Florjančič M. ZORA Programme Monitoring and Evaluation. ZORA: Slovenian National Cervical Cancer Screening Programme and Registry. 2025.